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Talk like a Pirate

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2010

Aye me buckos, today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2010! In case you haven’t had t’ chance o’ hearin’ about it before, visit t’ official website o’ TLaPD here.

As for meself and t’ Cap’n, we not only talk like pirates, we wear our garb as well t’ fully celebrate t’ day! And thar might be rum involved, too. Raise your Jolly Roger and set sail! Well, figuratively speakin’ anyways.

If you need help in your pirate speech, I o’ course recommend The Pirate Primer by George Choundas.

Jack Rackham's Jolly Roger

Yes my friends, today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day 2010! In case you haven’t had the chance of hearing about it before, visit the official website of TLaPD right here.

As for myself and the Cap’n, we not only talk like pirates, we wear our garb as well to fully celebrate the day! And there might be rum involved, too. Raise your Jolly Roger and set sail! Well, figuratively speaking anyway.

If you need help in your pirate speech, I of course recommend The Pirate Primer by George Choundas.

Talk like a Pirate

Pyrate Commands

Only four days until this year’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Here be commands to help you out on our fine holiday.

handle your piece – have your gun at the ready
content ye – relax, don’t worry; be happy
enough of words – shut up
aft with me – follow me towards the rear of the ship (although also spoken whilst on land)
list to (name) – listen to (name)
haul your wind – stop, hold on, wait

Phrases and definitions from The Pirate Primer.

Talk like a Pirate

A pyrate’s threat

Stuck in a heated argument? Think it might turn deadly? Try some of these in your banter…

I’ll bend a marlinspike around your loaf – A marlinspike is a pointed metal spike used in working with rope and cable, and especially in prying apart strands of rope. Loaf means head or skull.
You’ll count amongst your treasure a ball from this pistol – Only really appropriate if the speaker is actually brandishing a pistol. Otherwise the speaker might do well to sub “a pistol” for “this pistol.”
Your sands are run – Your life is over
Are you tired of your life? – …does it really need an explanation?
I’ll bring my boot to you – To “bring one’s boot” to someone is to kick him hard.
You’ll rue the day your mother ever spawned you! – You’ll be sorry you were ever born

Phrases and definitions from The Pirate Primer.

Talk like a Pirate

A pyrate’s greeting

Here’s a few recommended ways of saying “hello!” be you a pirate or just looking to speak the unordinary.

How fares your day? – Used at any time of day before evening as a greeting.
I make you my duty – A polite, respectful greeting.
Tell, what’s chanced you – tell me what you’ve been up to
What ho? – what’s going on?
Good morrow – good morning
Give you good day – wish you a good day

Phrases and definitions from The Pirate Primer.