Last weekend, my sister and I went to the Wizard World Comic Con here in Austin for our first time! It’s the largest convention I’ve gotten to attend, while it was her first con to attend. I wore my gussied up Steampunk attire, although it leans more toward Gothic Victorian. I don’t really incorporate much leather or gears into my outfit. Stephanie dressed in her new Saffron (Firefly) costume, so she was on a hunt to take pictures with other Firefly characters, particularly any Mals out there!
There were so many awesome costumes attendees were wearing! Of course many superheros, villains, soldiers, Trekkies, and Stormtroopers with a mix of zombies, furries, Steampunks, Serenity crew, and random Rennies. My vote on favorite costumes has to go to the Klingons. Every one that I saw was so well done!
As far as attending panels, well, we didn’t. The few panels I was interested in came and went before we got into the convention. We did a lot of running around the vendors and artist alley sections, while also getting some glances at the celebrities signing autographs for those willing to spend the cash. Sir Patrick Stewart of course had the longest line of anyone, so I think I saw him for about 1/5 of a second. I did get to see Gates McFadden, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, Dean Cain, Norman Reedus, and Sean Patrick Flanery. I’d wanted to also see Paul McGillion, but he wasn’t ever at his table when we were nearby.
We spent so much of the day running around the vendors, but the only thing I bought for myself was a limited edition print by Jeena Pepersack! She has a presence on both DeviantArt (click the pic!) and on Etsy. Steph got a few sundries including an Aperture Science t-shirt and a hardcover Firefly comic book. We ran into a few friends, and Steph got her pictures with a Mal and a Jayne. And next time I go to a con, I need to remember to wear really comfortable shoes. I got a few giggles when people saw me walking around with no shoes on! I’m definitely looking forward to the next convention we get to go to, and maybe I’ll actually plan out an outfit for next time… >:3
Next event, The Showdown at Unobtainium!!