I love old style writing, so I try to incorporate my own version of it into my packaging. I use calligraphy tools for writing my thank you notes that I include in every order, even though I’ve never really learned proper calligraphy! Taking the time to dip a pen into ink to write a thank you adds even more of a personal touch.

I found a pewter quill pen that I fell in love with and decided I could upgrade from the plastic pen I’d used through my art classes. I’ve also had issues when dipping my pen into ink bottles, so I got an inkwell to use with the quill pen. By the way, finding inkwells that have form with their function and aren’t expensive can be extremely frustrating!
The pen and accessories came from a company called Nostalgic Impressions. Their products are made in Italy, and cover almost any olde style writing needs you may have! They carry quill pens, dip pens, nibs for those pens, papers in various types and sizes, rods for scrolls, sealing wax and stamps, and more.
If you’d like to have your letter to a friend or loved one written in my style of writing, it’s only $5 for a one sheet letter on fiverr.com! Once your letter is written, I send it by mail to whomever your message is for.

Now I just need a proper writing desk to display and use these toys tools on!